Certificate of Insurance

Note:  A minimum of 72 hours is required for all COI requests.


The University is permissibly self-insured for its general liability, workers' compensation, professional liability, motor vehicle liability, and property exposures.

Under the terms and conditions of a contract or agreement for services, the contractor, consultant, or vendor must be required to show evidence of adequate insurance coverage by furnishing to California State University a certificate of insurance that includes additional insured endorsements. The University maintains the right to request and obtain a certified copy of the insurance policy and any and all additional insured or other endorsements to the contractor’s policy. If a certificate of insurance is required by a written agreement being executed with a third-party, please email riskmgmt@sfsu.edu

All certificates of insurance issued to the University require the following: 

  • Provide written notice that “should any of the above-described policies be canceled before the expiration thereof, notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions.” It is acceptable to require the service provider or the contractor to supply this information to the Trustees.
  • Provide for Acceptability of Insurers rating, A.M. Best: A VII or equivalent unless otherwise agreed to by the University.
  • Name the State of California, the Trustees of the California State University, the campus, and the officers, employees, volunteers, and agents of each of them as additional insureds, except for professional liability and workers’ compensation insurance. If the agreement is with an Auxiliary Organization, then the Auxiliary Organization shall also be named as additional insured.

Certificate of Liability Insurance Outlined

Producer identifies the Agent or Broker.

Issuance of Certificate Statement notice confirms the provisions of the California Insurance Code, §384. Other states have similar provisions. It states that the policy, not the certificate governs coverage.

Insurer(s) Affording Coverage identifies the insurer. 

Type of Insurance determines which insurer provides coverage.

Insured identifies your entity's contractor or lessee.

Statement of Coverages states that the policy supersedes the certificate form.

Types of Insurance (General Liability, Automobile Liability, Umbrella Liability, Worker's Compensation) shows the type of coverage provided through the agent or broker If the insured uses more than one broker, this certificate will not identify all the existing. 

Policy EEF & Policy EXP show inception and expiration dates for policies identifies. Pay special attention that coverage does not expire before or during your project or lease. 

Limits per occurrence and aggregate for each type of coverage afforded. Pay special attention to low aggregate limits for public works-type contractors. Loss on other jobs may reduce your coverage. 

Description of Operations/ Locations/ Vehicles will be used to restrict coverage to a specific job or lease. Watch for restrictions that would omit the coverage required by your specifications. 

Certificate Holder is your entity.

Cancellation states cancellation provisions. 

Authorized Representative of the insurer should be an employee, unless the agent or broker is specifically authorized to sign behalf of the company. 

Contact Us

Office Hours 

Monday - Friday:

9:00am - 5:00pm

Please contact riskmgmt@sfsu.edu for any questions

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