
Ergonomics is derived from the Greek words ergon (meaning work) and nomoi (meaning natural laws).  It is the science of how people interact with their work environment.   In application, ergonomics is a discipline focused on making products and tasks comfortable for the user.  Ergonomic stressors in our modern, computer-driven office environments can lead to ergonomic-related injuries of the wrist, shoulder, neck and back if proper care isn't taken to ensure a proper set-up of work-stations. 

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) will conduct an ergonomic assessment for San Francisco State University employees.

Faculty and staff with permanent disabilities are encouraged to contact the Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC). DPRC provides  reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. E-mail, phone 415-338-2472.


Diagram of mannequin in reclined seating position

How do I schedule an ergonomic assessment of my work area?

Use the link below to request an ergonomic evaluation.

SF State employees can can also conduct their own evaluation of their workstation by following the steps in the Checklist for a User Friendly Workstation. (This file, Checklist for a User Friendly Workstation, can also be viewed or downloaded and printed.) 

credit card transaction

Ergonomic Matching Funds

Effective January 1, 2021, all requests for ergonomic equipment matching fund reimbursements must be received by Enterprise Risk Management within 30 days of the date of equipment purchase. Please submit requests to Enterprise Risk Management as soon as the purchase is made. Reimbursement requests submitted more than 30 days after the purchase date will not be considered. 

Visit this page to learn more about what qualifies and how to request matching funds for ergonomic equipment purchases.